All Title I Schoolwide Program Plans can be accessed online.
Parents are able to access school plans by visiting the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education website and following the below provided instructions.
Click on the link above. Follow the below instructions:
Parent Instructions for Accessing Policies & Plans on the DESE website 2023-24 Parent Involvement Policy
Students should arrive to school and for breakfast NO EARLIER THAN 9:00 AM. (Please remember that there is no supervision on campus for children arriving before 9:00 AM). Students not eating breakfast should report to the gym. Only buses unload on the side of the building. Car riders and walkers must enter in the front door of the school. STUDENTS ARRIVING AFTER THE TARDY BELL RINGS AT 9:15 AM MUST HAVE A PARENT OR GUARDIAN SIGN THEM IN AT THE OFFICE. A record is kept of all tardies and absences for state reporting purposes of all students who are tardy and/or absent. Attendance officers will be notified if tardies and absences become a problem.
Please notify the school in writing or call (816) 418-4825 (before 1:00 PM) if there is to be a change in your child’s normal afternoon routine. Unless the office has been notified, the school will follow normal routines - even when the child tells his/her teacher that a parent may be picking him/her up today. Your child will not be released to anyone who is not on your emergency contact list.
· There will be no check-outs after 3:00 PM. Students are dismissed at 4:15 PM.
· If you must pick up your student early for an appointment or other emergency you must notify the office prior. You will then be required to wait outside the main entrance until your student is brought up. A staff member will meet you at the door with your student in order for you to sign them out without having to come into the building.
ONLY buses will load at the side of the building. Students who walk home will be dismissed from the front of the building.
Parent Pick Up:
Parents must remain in their cars and come through the pick-up line.
Visitors to school/classrooms will be extremely limited at this time. Parents/families will not be allowed to enter the building to walk students to class or to visit classrooms without prior approval from administration. All visitors will be required to wear a face mask while on KCPS property. For safety reasons, we require all visitors show ID and to sign in and out in the office. Your visitor pass MUST be worn at all times when in the building. If you need to talk to your child’s teacher, please make an appointment.
Any visitor who causes disruption or other interference in the teaching and learning process will be asked to leave immediately. The Principal will have the right to have a disruptive visitor removed by school security and/or the police department as well as the right to prohibit the individual from participating in future visits to the school.
Prior to coming to school each day, it is important to monitor your student for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. For the health and safety of all students and staff, please conduct a Daily COVID-19 Assessment.
If your child has any of the following symptoms or is staying home due to COVID or COVID exposure, please contact the school nurse at 418-4847.
In the past 24 hours, has your student had any of the following symptoms?
1. Fever of 100 degrees or greater
2. Cough
3. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
4. Runny nose
5. Congestion
6. New loss of taste or smell
7. Muscle/body aches
8. Sore throat
9. Nausea
10. Headache
11. Vomiting
12. Chills
13. Diarrhea
School Case Investigation
School nurses are familiarized with the principles of contact tracing in order to rapidly facilitate identification of exposed students and staff and assist local health departments. All KCPS school nurses have taken The Johns Hopkins COVID-19 contact tracing course.
· Once a student or household member has been diagnosed with COVID-19, the school nurse in charge of contact tracing will identify staff members or students that should be considered exposed based on classroom layouts, schedules, etc.
· Schools are prepared to notify any exposed persons.
· If a student is considered a close contact, parents will be notified by phone, or letter if unable to reach by phone
· Every effort will be made to keep the identity of the COVID-19 positive person private from other staff and students